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Attracting, retaining or retaining talent?

Attracting, retaining or retaining talent?

Attracting, attracting, attracting… Attracting talent to a company is undoubtedly very important, but perhaps one of the biggest mistakes that can be made when managing talent is to focus only on this point.

What’s the point of attracting employees if you can’t really “hook” them? The current trend in companies is focused on listening to employees: What are your employees looking for? How can you offer it to them? How to make them feel fulfilled, happy, motivated and committed?

The employees of a company should be valued and cared for in the same way as we do with our customers. However, many managers make the mistake of focusing solely on the end customer, neglecting their staff and constantly rotating through the company’s organizational chart, which leads to disruption and low production.

The talent retention is a key concept in human resource management and refers to the strategies and practices that organizations implement in order to retain and maintain in the long term to its employees more talented and valuable. It focuses on building lasting and mutually beneficial relationships between employees and the organization.

Here are the benefits of retaining talent in any company:

  • Employees increase their confidence, which generates greater self-esteem in their results, optimizing professional performance and making the most of their working time.
  • Companies achieve better results and in turn increase productivity and decrease employee turnover and the costs associated with hiring and training for new jobs.
  • It generates a good labor involvement, allowing workers to feel more motivated and become the best ambassadors of the company.
  • Solid foundations are created within the company, allowing managers and executives to present viable long-term projects that can be executed.
  • Talent retention generates loyalty and commitment, increasing employee loyalty and promoting innovation and maintaining a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Remember that each organization is unique and can adapt these strategies to its specific culture and needs. Talent retention requires a comprehensive and continuous approach to keep employees engaged and satisfied in their work.

How can companies achieve optimal talent retention? This starts with the selection process. From the very first moment, employees should be listened to, their needs should be known and it should be recognized if they match the organization’s cultural fit, values, mission and vision.

Special focus should be placed on organizational culture, recognition and rewards, growth opportunities, work-life balance and effective communication. Just as companies strive to build customer loyalty, they should work on building talent loyalty.

The Steeler tool allows you to launch selection processes and obtain the % of fit of the candidate with the position he/she will occupy. Thanks to data analytics, and working on the basis of competencies, attitudes and values, a professional profile of the person can be drawn up to serve as a guide for identification, selection and recruitment. Steelter also allows the correlation of data between various employees to achieve optimal development, management and retention of talent in organizations.

Do you… attract, retain or retain talent?