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Employee Branding: what is it? And why is it important?

Employee Branding: what is it? And why is it important?

There is a lot of talk these days about employee branding, but what exactly is it?

It is the reputation that an organization has among employees, and the strategy with which the organization manages to be attractive to attract new talent and retain all employees. Employee branding is directly linked to what the organization projects to its current employees and future candidates. It goes beyond corporate identity and external branding, as it focuses on what employees think and feel about the organization they work for.

Strong and solid employee branding implies that employees feel engaged, valued and aligned with your company’s culture and values. As a result, employees contribute to the success of the company and become enthusiastic ambassadors of the organization.

Employee Branding: discovering its power

Above all, good employee branding attracts talented professionals who want to join the company. This facilitates the selection of the best candidates and ensures that the organization has the necessary talent to achieve its objectives.

In addition, strong employee branding helps build employee loyalty. Happy and engaged employees are less likely to leave the company, reducing turnover and the costs associated with hiring and training. This ensures stability and continuity in the team, which is crucial for long-term success.

On the other hand, productivity also benefits from strong employee branding. Employees who feel valued and recognized tend to be more productive and motivated at work. This has a direct impact on the company’s results, as committed employees strive to achieve objectives and contribute to growth.

Finally, strong employee branding has an impact on corporate reputation. A company with a strong employer brand enhances its reputation both inside and outside the organization. This can attract more customers and business partners, as a company with satisfied and committed employees conveys trust and professionalism.

How does Steelter help your Employee Branding?

With the Steelter tool, you can create your ideal benchmark profile and compare it with all your employees to understand their cultural alignment, thus building loyalty of key talent within the organization and attracting new high quality candidates.

In addition, the new dashboard modules help to build strong employee branding, as they provide concrete answers to the needs of each employee and the direction of the organization and brand can be discovered and redirected for success.

The modules are:

  1. Selection Processes
  2. Evolution of talent
  3. Development and training
  4. Internal promotion
  5. Team organization
  6. Talent loyalty

Start building your Employee Branding now!